Title: Effect of Breast Cancer on Women’s Productivity and Income in Southwest Nigeria
Abstract: Given the importance of women to families and societal well-being, women’s breast cancer (BC) in Africa is detrimental to development. The consequences of BC should be made clear to policymakers. This study examines the financial effects of breast cancer and factors that affect the income and productivity of BC patients. In Southwest Nigeria, 200 women with clinically proven BC cases were surveyed for six months to gather cross-sectional data. Sixty-one percent (61.5%) of the women with clinically confirmed BC cases were self-employed, and 62% missed seven days of work, translating to an average productivity loss of 31.8%. A total of 16 percent of the women in the group missed an average of 10 days at work, resulting in a 45.5% loss in productivity. Last but not least, 22% of the women missed an average of more than 2 weeks at work. The level of productivity at work declines by 26.2% as the prevalence of BC among women rises. The findings from descriptive statistics that BC has a significant but inverse effect on women’s income and productivity are supported by the findings from simple linear regression. According to the research, there will be a 13.5% and a 19.5% decline in economic impact and productivity as there are more confirmed cases of BC. The policymakers must pay urgent attention to these findings.
Keywords: women; breast cancer; productivity effect; income effects
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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