Title: Ebola virus proteins’ structural and functional characteristics
Abstract: The non-segmented, single-stranded RNA of the Ebola virus (EBOV), a member of the genus Ebolavirus and family Filoviridae, contains seven genes: (a) nucleoprotein (NP), (b) viral protein 35 (VP35), (c) VP40, (d) glycoprotein (GP), (e) VP30, (f) VP24, and (g) RNA polymerase (L). Except for GP, which produces three pre-proteins as a result of transcriptional editing, all genes only encode for one protein each. Four products are created from these pre-proteins: soluble small secreted glycoprotein (sSSG), -peptide, full-length transmembrane spike glycoprotein (GP), and soluble secreted glycoprotein (sGP) (ssGP). Additionally, shed GP is released from infected cells as a result of GP being broken down by the enzyme tumor necrosis factor-converting (TACE). In this review, various functional facets of all EBOV proteins and their residues are discussed in detail. For the purpose of making the available analysis more understandable, an overview of ebolaviruses and their life cycle is also given. This review, in our opinion, will aid in understanding the functions of various EBOV proteins in the pathogenesis of the disease. Targeting significant protein residues will aid in the development of therapeutic and multi-protein/peptide vaccines.
Keywords: Ebola virus; Ebola virus proteins; Ebola virus protein functions
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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