Title: Early spelling and reading outcomes and invented spelling
Abstract: Playing spelling games with younger children can, in the opinion of many academics, make it easier to evaluate the vocal components of words and to establish connections between those components and the letters that stand in for them. This is something that many academics believe may be facilitated by playing spelling games. Surprisingly few experimental studies have studied the impact of invented spelling on early reading. Numerous studies have investigated the influence of newly created spelling programs on early spelling development. Our goal was to determine whether or not a made-up spelling curriculum would have an impact on the early spelling and reading abilities of children who were three years old. When we first started working with 108 Portuguese children under five, not one of them could read or write when we first met them. They were successful because of the assistance we provided. They were handled with the utmost caution since their cognitive ability, letter knowledge, and technical awareness were still developing, and they were still maturing. The children were randomly assigned to two groups: the experimental group and the control group. A lottery decided the membership of each group. Before the students’ performance could be assessed, they were asked to write several sentences for the pre-test and read a series of phrases for the post-test. This was done before their overall performance could be determined. The participants in the experimental group were given a made-up spelling instruction program to follow for a combined total of five weeks while participating in the research project. In the post-test, we had expectations that the experimental group’s performance would be much better than that of the control group. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups, with the experimental group significantly outperforming the control group in their reading and spelling competency. According to the findings of the study’s examination of the data, these differences exist between the two groups. These data provide credence to the concept that learning to read and spell can bring advantages that are additive to one another in terms of their benefits.
Keywords: This includes the education of young children, the creation of a spelling technique, the construction of a spelling curriculum, and the development of reading abilities.
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