
Research Paper on Early Notice Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Era’s Banking Solvency Risk: An Indonesian Case Study

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Research Paper on Early Notice Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Era’s Banking Solvency Risk: An Indonesian Case Study

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Title: Early Notice Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Era’s Banking Solvency Risk: An Indonesian Case Study

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has a negative impact on people’s lives and raises the risk of bank solvency. The purpose of this study was to develop, using the Powersim Studio 10 simulation software and the system dynamics methodology, an early warning and early action simulation model to reduce the solvency risk. The current early warning model is updated by the addition of an early action simulation. The impact of policy design and option selection on potential solvency risks is known before implementation thanks to this model. The model was able to predict the potential rise in bank solvency risk when the loan restructuring policy was revoked, according to tests done at Bank BRI (BBRI) and Bank Mandiri (BMRI). Additionally, it simulates the efficiency of the management’s policy alternatives for reducing these risks. Publicly available banking data and analysis were used in this study. Through a self-stimulation facility created in this study to meet their needs using the internal data, bank management could also benefit from this model.

Keywords: banking sector; COVID-19 outbreak; corporate insolvency; simulation; loan restructuring policy; system dynamics; early warning early action

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Economics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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