Title: Does the relationship between faculty intrapreneurship and the entrepreneurial inclination of their organizations depend on individual factors?
Abstract: Many colleges and universities in the Middle East are making significant efforts to create and support corporations. These initiatives are supported by faculty members who, in varying degrees, have an entrepreneurial orientation that centers on creativity, risk-taking, and initiative. This study examines the degree to which personal characteristics can influence how entrepreneurial faculty members behave in higher education institutions in Kuwait. Gender, academic accomplishments, teaching experience, school affiliation, scientific productivity, industrial experience, and professional certification are a few of these variables. 291 faculty members completed questionnaires that were used to collect data, and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the model. The structural path coefficients for each faculty characteristic were compared using the -score statistics. The eight hypotheses that were partially validated as the most significant findings suggest that male or business faculty have a greater impact on the organizational, entrepreneurial orientation of their institutions. The variations for the remaining moderating traits, however, were negligible. The uniqueness of this study lies in the observation that none of the individual-level characteristics appear to have a significant impact on the extent of faculty intrapreneurship.
Keywords: faculty intrapreneurship; entrepreneurial orientation; faculty characteristics; structural equation modelling
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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