Title: Diabetic kidney disease and NADH/NAD+ Redox Imbalance
Abstract: One common and severe complication of diabetes mellitus is diabetic kidney disease (DKD). If DKD is not treated, it can progress to end-stage renal disease, which calls for either kidney replacement or dialysis. Even though DKD is caused by a variety of pathophysiological factors, oxidative stress brought on by a NADH/NAD+ redox imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction has been identified as the primary pathophysiological factor. The pathways that boost NADH production and those that lower NAD+ levels are reviewed in this review. The effects of the NADH/NAD+ redox imbalance are then discussed, including how they can disrupt mitochondrial function and homeostasis. The methods that can be used to combat DKD are then discussed, including caloric restriction, plant/herbal extracts or their isolated compounds, antioxidants that target the mitochondria and mimic superoxide dismutase. The review concludes by emphasizing the need for further research to clarify the function of each pathway involved in NADH-NAD+ metabolism in order to develop novel approaches to restore NADH/NAD+ redox balance in the diabetic kidney and prevent DKD.
Keywords: diabetic kidney disease; caloric restriction; NADH/NAD+ ; redox imbalance; mitochondrial homeostasis; mitophagy; oxidative stress
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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