Title: D-dimery in the diagnosis and treatment of phlegmatorrhea
Abstract: D-dimer level estimation, a specific fibrin degradation product, is an ongoing component of pulmonary embolism diagnostic strategies (PE). When the pre-test clinical probability is low, approximately 30% of a suspected non-high risk PE can be ruled out using a highly sensitive D-dimer test. Recent recommendations emphasize the need for very sensitive DD assays. The primary drawback of DD tests is their relatively low specificity, particularly in hospitalized patients, elderly patients, cancer patients, and pregnant women. Estimating the risk of recurrence following the discontinuation of anticoagulant is a new indication for DD testing that is mentioned in the current guidelines. Patients with negative DD tests have a low risk of recurrence.
Keywords: D-dimer, pulmonary embolism, quidelines
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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