Title: Cystatin C-Based Equations Identify Undiagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients with Poor Prognosis and Hidden Kidney Disease
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the cystatin C (CysC) equations with creatinine equations in order to define renal impairment (RI) in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) and to analyze the equation that can be used to identify patients with better and worse prognostic factors. Methods. Using CKD-EPI and CAPA equations, the renal function of 61 patients with newly diagnosed, untreated MM was evaluated prospectively. A comparison was made using Bland-Altman graphics and Cohen’s Kappa statistic. Tand Mann-Whitney Univariate and multivariate analyses, as well as chi-square tests, were performed. Results. While we were able to identify up to 39% of patients (7 women/17 men) using CysC equations, only 26% of patients who met the IMWG criteria for RI displayed it (3 women/13 men). Compared to CKD-EPI-creatinine, the CAPA equation was less biased, dispersed, and sensitive. Additionally, R-ISS-3-based poor prognosis was linked to decreased CKD-EPICysC by univariate analysis. Conclusions. Kidney disease, which affects mostly women, may be underestimated by the eIMWG criteria, which could have an impact on both the dosage and toxicity. Overall, our data indicate that equations with CysC are better able to identify newly diagnosed MM patients with hidden kidney disease as well as those who have more and worse prognostic factors.
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Medicine
Sub Category: Hematology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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