Title: Could Spaceflight Increase the Risk of Cancer in Female Astronauts? | Extraterrestrial Gynecology A Current Review
Abstract: Ionizing radiation from galactic cosmic rays and microgravity pose the greatest risks to astronauts’ health in the extremely hostile environment of outer space. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that spaceflight affects well-known cancer hallmarks, potentially raising the risk of cancer. Women historically have been allowed to spend much less time in space than men because they have a higher incidence of radiation-induced cancers on Earth, which are mainly caused by lung, thyroid, breast, and ovarian cancers. In this review, we concentrate on how radiation and microgravity affect the female reproductive system, especially with regard to gynecological cancer. The objective is to give a summary of the research that has been done on the risk of gynecological cancer, highlighting what additional research is needed to make exploration class missions safer, as well as postflight screening and management of female astronauts after long-duration spaceflight.
Keywords: space exploration; microgravity; space radiation; astronaut health; female reproductive system; gynecological cancers
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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