
Research Paper on Comparison of the Physical and Informational Spread of the Coronavirus and Its Effect on the Russian Labor Market

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Research Paper on Comparison of the Physical and Informational Spread of the Coronavirus and Its Effect on the Russian Labor Market

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Title: Comparison of the Physical and Informational Spread of the Coronavirus and Its Effect on the Russian Labor Market

Abstract: The article’s goal is to examine the effects of the new coronavirus infection on the Russian labor market and to hypothesize the steps that should be taken to minimize any detrimental effects on the economy. The distinction between the effects of the physical and informational spread of COVID-19 is what makes this study stand out. The dynamics of news stories on the subject of “coronavirus” in the most important Russian media are used to gauge the informational spread of the virus. The hypothesis that the physical and informational spread of the coronavirus caused an increase in the number of unemployed, a decrease in the average wages in the studied range of economic activities, an increase in supply on the labor market, and a decrease in demand for employees, can be tested through the analysis of the average level of wages by type of economic activity, as well as the demand of employers and the number of vacancies. In order to determine whether the Russian economy, labor market, and society were prepared for the changes brought on by the pandemic, another task of the study is to evaluate the dynamics of related search queries in Yandex, the largest search engine in Russia. This analysis can help to reveal the logic in the behavior of the Russian people during the pandemic. Using a regression modeling approach, it was discovered that the information environment’s influence, specifically the coronavirus’s informational spread, had a greater impact on the parameters under study than the virus’s actual physical spread. There was found to be a “delay effect of physical consequences.” The findings indicated that in order to reduce the negative effects of the pandemic on the labor market, it is necessary to systematically influence the physical and informational spread of the coronavirus in the context of a highly informatized society.

Keywords: COVID-19; labor market; informational spread of coronavirus; information environment

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Economics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

Restriction: Only one author may purchase a single paper. The paper will then indicate that it is out of stock.

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