Title: Colloidal Drug Delivery-Based Psoriasis Management Techniques: Promising Strategies
Abstract: A chronic inflammatory autoimmune condition called psoriasis has a mildly negative impact on social and interpersonal interactions. Conventional psoriasis treatments have some drawbacks, including poor drug penetration through the skin, hyper-pigmentation, and a burning sensation on both healthy and infected skin. Colloidal drug delivery systems have improved patient safety measures, compliance, and superior effectiveness while avoiding the drawbacks of traditional psoriasis therapeutic approaches. They also have less toxic effects. The pathogenesis of psoriasis, causes and types of psoriasis, alternative conventional treatments for psoriasis, the need for colloidal drug delivery systems, and recent studies on colloidal drug delivery systems for the treatment of psoriasis are all topics covered in this comprehensive review. This review provides a brief overview of methods for delivering colloidal drugs, including emulsion systems (multiple emulsion, microemulsion, and nano-emulsion), vesicular systems (liposomes, ethosomes, noisomes, and transferosomes), and particulate systems (dendrimers, nanocrystals, polymeric nanoparticles, and gold nanoparticles). The review was put together after a thorough search of the literature in the ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases. A review of the literature turned up fourteen particulate delivery systems, six vesicular drug delivery systems, and seven emulsion-based formulations for antipsoriatic medications. It has been concluded that colloidal pharmaceutical formulations could be extensively investigated and have a broad scope for effective management of many skin disorders in the coming decades based on literature studies of colloidal approaches for the management of psoriasis that have been conducted recently.
Keywords: colloidal drug delivery system; dendrimers; liposome; microemulsion; nano-structured lipid carrier; psoriasis; solid lipid nanoparticles
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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