Title: Collagen and Healing Wounds
Abstract: In response to tissue injury, normal wound healing progresses through inflammatory, proliferative, and remodeling phases. Collagen, an essential part of the extracellular matrix, either in its natural, fibrillar conformation or as soluble components in the wound milieu, plays crucial roles in the regulation of the phases of wound healing. Damage in any of these stages causes the wound to become chronic and non-healing, necessitating some sort of intervention to restart the healing process. Persistent inflammation, increased ECM component destruction brought on by elevated metalloproteinases and other enzymes, and improper activation of soluble mediators of the wound healing process are key elements in the hostile environment of a chronic wound. Since collagen plays a key role in the regulation of many of these processes, it has been used as a supplement to wound care to speed up healing. The role of collagen in various biological processes related to wound healing is examined in this work, and a summary of the most recent research on the use of collagen-based products in wound care is given.
Keywords: extracellular matrix; collagen; signaling; inflammation; wound healing; collagen dressings;
engineered collagen
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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