Title: Clinical Pathogens’ Recent Antimicrobial Responses to Halophilic Microbes
Abstract: At the same time, drug-resistant microorganisms that cause severe infections are becoming more active. New, powerful antibiotics are urgently needed in this situation. Due to their peculiar growth and physiological conditions, organisms from extreme environments are known to synthesize novel bioprospecting molecules for biomedical applications. Several halophilic microbes are accommodated by antimicrobial developments from hypersaline environments like lagoons, estuaries, and salterns. Salinity is a unique environmental factor that constantly encourages halophilic microbes’ metabolic flexibility and adaptation for their survival at minimal nutritional requirements. They are promising candidates for the development of new drugs due to their genetic adaptation to intense solar radiation, ionic strength, and desiccation. The hypersaline environments where compounds are produced are represented by more microbiota that have been discovered through sequencing and ‘omics’ approaches. Numerous antimicrobial substances are being produced by microbial genera like Aspergillus, Actinobacteria, Halorubrum, and Bacillus. A consortia approach was one of several methods used to produce novel antimicrobials from halophiles. According to encouraging findings, natural product research can be expanded to include a variety of phylogenetic microbial groups that live in salterns by using halophilic microbes as abundant sources of bioactive metabolites with pharmaceutical potential. The current study reviews intriguing antimicrobial compounds that were discovered in microbial sources from various salt marshes and discusses their potential as new drugs for treating clinically drug-resistant microbes.
Keywords: antibiotic resistance; salinity; halophilic; bioactive compound; pharmaceutical
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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