Title: By L2 doctoral students, taking an authoritative stance is explicitly learned.
Abstract: The results of a study on the written works of inexperienced academic writers reveal that these writers typically struggle to provide an authoritative argumentative standpoint. In this study, linguistic resources for taking positions were made clear, and seasoned second-language authors were instructed to look at stance expressions in earlier studies that had been published. Language acquisition theories and linguistic theories both influenced this research. Seven Mandarin-speaking English language learners who worked in the social sciences participated in three writing sessions. They used a concordance tool compiled and designed for academic writers who currently employ genre shifts Swales (1990, 2004) and participation techniques (White & Martin, 2005) in study introductions. We examined their writings after using the software and discovered that both the organization of their rhetorical strategies and how they employed their viewpoints had improved. They were shown to be more effective at applying and identifying postures that offer strong claims and factual statements than applying and recognizing expressions of the moderately hostile stance that communicate broad meanings. Despite some learning gains, a thorough reading of the text suggests that additional coaching is needed to help students employ suitable assertive claims, back powerful assertions, and manage the expression of their attitude over many clauses. Even while learning has seen some success, this is still the case. This study led to the conclusion that explicitly educating L2 writers about authorial attitude might improve their work’s caliber and raise their consciousness levels.
Keywords: Academic writing; L2 students; Systemic Functional Linguistics; Authorial posture; Explicit learning
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