Title: As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Methodology for Assessing a Region’s Investment Attractiveness Has Changed
Abstract: The current world order has changed significantly as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic. A sizeable portion of professional communications have changed to a format of distance interaction as a result of the introduction of the global quarantine. Because modern businesses can be established without the need for territorial unity, the specific weight of traditional components of a region’s investment attractiveness is steadily declining. It should be noted that the criteria used by investors to determine whether they are prepared to invest in a region are now dynamically changing. The importance of a region’s ability to develop sustainably, the social environment’s characteristics, and the consistency of the social infrastructure is growing. As a result, new methods for assessing the region’s investment appeal must be developed. Additionally, selecting regional development targets is a step in the investment process at the federal level. Although innovative development has a global impact, a region can develop much more dynamically when a complex external environment is created to support its development model. The return on investment will be significantly increased by interregional interaction and an integrated approach to innovative development that considers not only the immediate effect but also the qualitative long-term transformation of the region. In addition, the methods currently in use for determining the investment attractiveness of the region are typically heuristic in nature and not all-inclusive. The heuristic nature of the methods currently in use makes it difficult to fully dissociate from the subjectivity of the researcher. Additionally, the current approaches do not account for the cyclical characteristics of the region’s innovative development, which results in the formation of a long-term effect from the alteration of the regional environment. The goal of this study is to develop a thorough methodology that can be used to assess a region’s investment appeal, determine the business sectors that ought to be developed there, and identify strategies for raising the region’s investment appeal. The study’s findings led to the development of a thorough methodology to assess the region’s investment appeal. The level of the region’s investment attractiveness, the projected level of the region’s investment attractiveness, and the direction of the region’s investment attractiveness’ development make up its three main indicators. This methodology is based on a set of indicators that take into account the state of the region’s social and economic environment, as well as the state of the environment for innovation and the environment for the environment. The methodology can be used to draw multifaceted conclusions about the growth sectors that will boost the region’s innovative appeal as well as the business sectors that should be developed there.
Keywords: region’s investment attractiveness; economic environment; social environment; innova- tive environment; ecological environment; fuzzy logic; regARIMA; combined effect
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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