Title: Antibiotics as a Potential Replacement for Plant-Based Phytochemicals in the Fight Against Bacterial Drug Resistance
Abstract: Antibiotic overuse that resulted in resistance has an impact on human health globally. The acquisition and subsequent development of antibiotic resistant microbes, which resulted in the resurgence of pathogenic strains carrying strengthened defenses against existing therapeutics, accelerated the imprudent and irrational prescription of antibiotics for a variety of diseases. The rise in antibiotic resistance has put human health in danger, compromised the use of a wide variety of antibiotics, and driven up the cost of treating diseases. Researchers are looking into plant-derived substances (PDS) as alternatives to or in addition to antibiotics to treat diseases due to the diversity of metabolic, genetic, and physiological fronts, the rapid evolution of resistant microbes, and the lack of a strategic management plan. Analytical techniques for their isolation, characterization, and phytochemical testing have been developed for use in the treatment of various diseases, taking into account the quantitative characteristics of plant constituents that attribute health beneficial effects. PDSs like polyphenols, alkaloids, and tannins have a huge potential for use as antimicrobials or as antibiotic resistance modifiers because of their incredible ability to fight bacterial infections. The current study focuses on the ways in which PDSs help stem the tide of resistance, methods for screening various phytochemicals, techniques used in the identification of bioactive components and their testing, and potential countermeasures to the fatal effects of multidrug resistance.
Keywords: antibiotics; bacteria; human health; plant-derived substances; resistance
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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