Title: After applying the Random Forest algorithm to the QSAR model after performing cluster analysis, machine learning is used to assess the cytotoxicity of mixtures of nano-TiO2 and heavy metals.
Abstract: The effects of nanomaterials on the environment and living things have come under scrutiny with the development and use of these materials. Nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2) is a typical nanomaterial that has the ability to bind to heavy metals in the environment. It is frequently used to forecast the cytotoxicity of a single substance using the quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). On the toxicity of interactions between nanomaterials and other substances, there is, however, little research. In this study, human renal cortex proximal tubule epithelial (HK-2) cells were exposed to nano-TiO2 and a mixture of eight heavy metals. CCK-8 was used to measure absorbance values, and cell viability was calculated. Multiple QSAR models are created for data sets using PLS and two ensemble learning algorithms, increasing the test set R2 from 0.38 to 0.78 and 0.85 and reducing the RMSE from 0.18 to 0.12 and 0.10. Following the selection of the superior random forest algorithm, the model is further optimized using the K-means clustering algorithm, which raises the test set R2 to 0.95 and lowers the RMSE to 0.08 and 0.06. Random forest can be used to accurately predict the toxicity of a mixture of heavy metals and nano-metal oxides. The cluster analysis can significantly increase the model’s stability and predictability and offer a fresh concept for cytotoxicity model prediction in the future.
Keywords: QSAR; Ada Boost; RF; cluster analysis; mixture; cytotoxicity; quantum mechanics
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Chemistry
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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