Title: ABO Blood Group Phenotype and Allele Frequency and Chikungunya Fever Association
Abstract: Background. The goal of this study was to look into the relationship between CHIK fever and the phenotype and allele frequency of the ABO blood group. Methods. In Southern Thailand, a rural community survey was carried out in August and September 2010. 506 villagers in all were registered. Cases were defined as people with a hemagglutination ratio of 1: 10 for anti-CHIK IgG. Results. There were 314 cases (62.1%) that tested positive for CHIK. Odds ratio (OR) (95% CI) of 0.63 indicated that anti-CHIK IgG positivity was less common in females (0.43, 0.93). Rh was present in every sample that was tested. In the A, B, AB, and O bloodgroups, the distribution of CHIK seropositivity versus seronegativity (P value) was 80 versus 46 (0.003), 80 versus 48 (0.005), 24 versus 20 (0.55), and 130 versus 78 (0.001), respectively. Chi-square analysis between ABO and CHIK infection, however, failed to demonstrate any statistical significance (P = 0.76). It was not statistically significant to compare the ABO blood group allele frequency between CHIK seropositivity and seronegativity. Conclusion. This result showed no correlation between phenotypes and allele frequencies of the ABO blood group and CHIK infection.
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Medicine
Sub Category: Hematology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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