Title: A review of the bifunctionality within the kinome’s annotated UniProtKB kinases
Abstract: Protein kinases and their functions in human health and disease have been the subject of extensive research because phosphorylation makes it easier to regulate all fundamental biological processes. Some kinases have evolved to take on additional catalytic functions in addition to their phosphotransferase activity, while others have completely lost all catalytic activity. We looked for bifunctional protein kinases in the Universal Protein Resource Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) database with a particular emphasis on kinases that are essential for bacterial and human cellular homeostasis. These kinases play a variety of useful roles, from cell cycle regulation and immune host defense to metabolic regulation and environmental sensing. Here, we outline their complementary catalytic functions and how they affect disease pathogenesis.
Keywords: kinase; signal transduction; phosphorylation; cancer; inflammation; metabolism
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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