Title: A potential tumor suppressor and diagnostic biomarker, microRNA-202
Abstract: MicroRNA-202 (miR-202) is a recently described member of the Caenorhabditis elegans-discovered, highly conserved let-7 family that has been linked to tumor biology and cell differentiation. MiR-202 in humans was first discovered in the testis, where it was postulated to be involved in spermatogenesis. Later studies revealed that miR-202 is one of the micro-RNAs that are dysregulated in various cancer types. Numerous studies conducted over the past ten years have strengthened the notion that miR-202 plays a role in cancer. However, depending on the situation, its functions could either be tumor suppressive or oncogenic. We emphasize miR-202 in this review as a potential diagnostic biomarker and as a suppressor of tumorigenesis and metastasis in a variety of tumor types. We connect miR-202 expression levels in various tumor types to the signaling molecules that are involved upstream and downstream, emphasizing its potential roles in carcinogenesis. Three well-known upstream long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) called MALAT1, NORAD, and NEAT1 target miR-202 and block it from suppressing tumor growth, accelerating the development of cancer. PTEN, AKT, and various oncogenes including metadherin (MTDH), MYCN, Forkhead box protein R2 (FOXR2), and the Kirsten rat sarcoma virus were discovered as downstream targets of miR-202 in studies (KRAS). Intriguingly, the majority of studies that estimated the expression level of miR-202 in cancer patients’ blood or serum, particularly in breast cancer, revealed an upregulated level of the gene. MiR-202 expression levels that are downregulated in tumor tissues have been linked to the development of various cancer types. It appears likely that miR-202 is a part of a complicated regulatory network that is connected to the type of tumor, its sensitivity, and therapeutic (pre)treatments. Its oncogene effectors play a part in mediating its diverse roles in tumorigenesis. The information that is currently available, however, points to the possibility that the signaling pathways concerned determine whether miR-202 dysregulation has anti- or pro-tumorigenic effects and whether it is useful as a diagnostic biomarker.
Keywords: microRNA-202; cancer; tumor suppressor; lncRNA; diagnostic biomarkers
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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