
Research Paper on A brief narrative review of the predictors of noninvasive ventilation failure in critically ill obese patients

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Research Paper on A brief narrative review of the predictors of noninvasive ventilation failure in critically ill obese patients

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Title: A brief narrative review of the predictors of noninvasive ventilation failure in critically ill obese patients

Abstract: More frequently than before in the past 20 years, non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has been used successfully to treat acute respiratory failure (ARF). Sadly, the failure rate for NIV can range from 5% to 50%, and patient selection is essential for success. Patients in specific patient populations are more likely to gain from NIV. This therapy may help patients with hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). This review aims to assess the efficiency of NIV in acute ARF and identify risk factors for NIV failure in patients who are morbidly obese. Few studies have examined the effectiveness or failure of NIV in these patients. When patients were carefully chosen, NIV was frequently most effective. Patients with obesity who experienced early NIV failure at the time of admission had high severity scores. The majority of hypercapnic patients with decompensated OHS, however, showed a delayed but effective response to NIV. In comparison to other hypercapnic patients, those who had OHS decompensation had better prognoses and responses to NIV. It should be encouraged to use NIV rather than early intubation because they required more aggressive NIV settings, more time to lower paCO2 levels, and more frequently a delayed but successful response to NIV. A stringent and extensive monitoring is required because there are no proven predictors of NIV failure.

Keywords: obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, critically ill obese patients non-invasive ventilation, late failure

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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