
Research Paper on 14,15N and 12,13C Fourier-Transform VUV Spectroscopy

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Research Paper on 14,15N and 12,13C Fourier-Transform VUV Spectroscopy

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Title: 14,15N and 12,13C Fourier-Transform VUV Spectroscopy

Abstract: At the Soleil synchrotron, precise Fourier-transform spectroscopic absorption measurements of vacuum ultraviolet transitions in atomic nitrogen and carbon were made. With an accuracy of 0.025 cm1, transitions from the 2s22p3 4S3/2 ground state and from the 2s22p3 2P and 2D metastable states were identified for 14N in the 95-124 nm range. Combining these findings with information from earlier vacuum ultraviolet precision laser experiments reveals an overall and consistent offset of 0.04 cm1 from values listed in the NIST database. For 14N and 15N, the splittings of the 2s22p3 4S3/2 – 2s2p4 4PJ transitions have been well-resolved, and the isotope shifts have been established. According to theoretical predictions, excitation of a 2s core electron causes large isotope shifts while excitation of a 2p valence electron produces very small isotope shifts. Both the 12C and 13C isotopes of carbon exhibit six transitions from the ground 2s22p2 3PJ and 2s22p3s 3PJ excited states at 165 nm.

Keywords: vacuum ultraviolet; Fourier-transform; spectroscopy; nitrogen; carbon; isotope shift

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Physics

Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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