Title: Antiretroviral Therapy Drawbacks: Long-Term CNS Toxicity and Current Status
Abstract: Using a mechanism akin to a Trojan horse, HIV can pass through the BBB. HIV can infiltrate the highly protected CNS and spread disease by hiding inside immune cells that are infected. Once HIV has been incorporated into the host genome, it becomes a stable provirus that can lie dormant, avoid immune system recognition or antiretroviral therapy (ART), and cause viraemia to rebound. Further research into novel therapeutic strategies is needed because ART targets HIV that is actively replicating, has low BBB penetrance, and exposes patients to long-term toxicity. Latent HIV can produce viral proteins, which may work in concert with ART to promote neuroinflammatory pathophysiology. It is thought that being able to specifically target these proviral reservoirs will be a key factor in the development of an HIV cure. By simultaneously delivering several therapeutic approaches, a novel drug design platform can be used to precisely target the different aspects of HIV infection, resulting in the elimination of both active and latent HIV and a workable cure for the disease. This review’s objective is to examine the drawbacks of ART and potential cutting-edge therapeutic alternatives.
Keywords: HIV; antiretroviral therapy; blood-brain barrier; brain; neuroHIV
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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