Title: Reproduction and Conservation Biology in an Era of Developmental Plasticity
Abstract: The goal of this review is to determine whether and how conservation biology principles may need to be revised in light of recent discoveries about the ability of epigenetics to change developmental pathways. It’s also important to note that conservation breeding programs, which are frequently used by zoos and aquariums, may sometimes appear to lower fitness by reducing animals’ capacity to adapt when faced with the “wild side” of their natural habitats. Would less comfortable captivity result in the selection of creatures that, despite having adapted to life in captivity, would fare better if released into a more natural setting? Advanced reproductive technologies may help threatened populations, but they also have the potential to cause unfavorable epigenetic changes. Inherent dangers to the health and welfare of children may therefore exist (as is suspected in humans). Advanced breeding techniques, particularly those that use artificial gametes and stem cell reprogramming to regenerate the rarest species, may also result in unintended epigenetic changes. Because current knowledge is still lacking, moral judgments regarding novel breeding techniques are still debatable and challenging to settle.
Keywords: animal conservation; reproduction; conservation breeding; epigenetics; developmental plasticity; assisted reproductive technologies
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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