Title: An Important Ethnomedicinal Plant: Holarrhena pubescens’ Metabolic Diversity and Therapeutic Potential
Abstract: Apocynaceae family member Holarrhena pubescens is a significant medicinal plant that is found all over the Indian subcontinent. The plant has a significant role in Ayurveda and other conventional medical practices without overt side effects. Comprehensive analyses of H. in the past few years have not only highlighted significant advancements in the biological and phytochemical analysis of this plant. The scope of pubescens is constrained. As a result of the widespread use of seeds as an anti-diabetic, it is economically significant. Additionally, despite extensive reports of the plant’s traditional uses by African and Asian people, neither in vitro nor in vivo research has been done to support its use in treating any specific diseases. The purpose of this review is to condense information on H’s pharmacology, historical applications, active ingredients, safety, and toxicity. pubescens. An examination of H. pubescens Several bioactive substances, including conessine, isoconnessine, conessimine, conimine, conessidine, conkurchicine, holarrhimine, conarrhimine, mokluangin A-D, and others, were found in the extracts. antidysentericine. The ethnopharmacology, phytochemical makeup, and pharmacological potential of H are all covered in this review. pubescens, with an examination of its toxicity and biological significance. the mechanism of action, as well as recommendations for additional basic and clinical research. activities (in vitro and in vivo).
Keywords: ethnopharmacology; Holarrhena pubescens; bioactivity; phytoconstituents; pharmacokinetics;
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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