Title: The RNA-Nanobio Interface: Engineering
Abstract: Recently, RNA nanotechnology has received a lot of attention. As the various functions of RNA in molecular biology and physiological control become more apparent, there are numerous possibilities for creating RNA-Nanoparticle Complexes (RNA-NPCs). The high degree of “engineerability” of RNA-NPCs results from the ability to alter the chemistry of the RNA and NP. For instance, the RNA delivered by the NP, which is derived from substances with anticancer activity, can be targeted at cell signaling pathways that contribute to the molecular basis of these diseases. The development of a better understanding of the RNA-nanobio interface, or the interactions of RNA with NP (RNA-nanobio interface), and how those interactions affect the structure, function, delivery, and activity of the RNA, represents a significant challenge despite this rapid advancement and the availability of new quantification and characterization techniques. Here, we make an effort to summarize the current state of this innovative and promising field and to outline potential directions for RNA-NPC bioengineering research.
Keywords: RNA-nanoparticle complexes; nano-bio interface; RNA-nanobio interface
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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