Title: Intelligent Dressings for Diabetes-Related Chronic Wounds
Abstract: For the 30.3 million Americans with diabetes mellitus, diabetic chronic wounds are a serious concern due to their severity and lack of healing (2015). These wounds are caused by peripheral arterial diseases, neuropathy, and infection. As a result, there are more lower extremity amputations than usual. Timely treatment depends on early diagnosis, debridement, offloading, and infection control. The diagnosis and management of wounds, however, depend heavily on the treating clinician’s experience and are therefore highly subjective. Numerous dressings for wounds have been developed to address specific clinical presentations, but there is no prescriptive method for determining the specific state of chronic, non-healing wounds. According to the authors, recent advancements in wound dressings and biosensing may make it possible to represent the wound environment quantitatively and in real time, including exudate levels, pathogen concentrations, and tissue regeneration. The creation of such sensing capabilities might make it possible to provide more individualized, strategic care at the beginning of ulceration and prevent infection-related amputations. An overview of the pathophysiology of diabetic chronic wounds, a succinct rundown of biomaterial wound dressing options, and the development of biosensors for biomarker sensing in the wound environment are presented in this review.
Keywords: diabetes; chronic wounds; smart wound dressing; biochemical sensor
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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