Title: Amino Acid PET’s Expanding Role in Neuro-Oncology
Abstract: Imaging is essential for accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, response evaluation, prognosis, and surveillance of the highly complex and diverse central nervous system (CNS) malignancies. Due to its high contrast resolution, adequate spatial resolution, and generally low cost and risk, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the main modality for the management of CNS diseases. However, due to various factors that can affect the distribution and perfusion of contrast agents, such as edema, necrosis, vascular alterations, and inflammation, which can result in pseudoprogression and pseudoresponse assessments, determining the tumor response to radiation therapy and chemotherapy by contrast-enhanced MRI is frequently challenging. Such ambiguous lesion interpretations are being resolved using amino acid positron emission tomography (PET). Based on their specific and active uptake by the highly metabolic cellular component of CNS tumors, amino acid radiotracers can more accurately distinguish between true tumor boundaries and ambiguous lesions. The early evaluation of treatment response is made possible by these therapy-induced metabolic changes that are detected by amino acid PET. Amino acid PET integration will significantly enhance early therapy response assessment, treatment planning, and clinical trial design in the management of CNS malignancies in addition to MRI.
Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging; positron emission tomography; amino acid PET; central nervous
system malignancy; pseudoprogression; pseudoresponse
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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