Title: Designed Collagen Matrix
Abstract: The majority of the protein in mammals is collagen, which makes up about one-third of the protein in an adult human body. There is a long history of using collagen matrices for different tissue engineering applications, so it makes sense to use it to create biomimetic environments. applications. However, using scaffolds made only of collagen presents a number of difficulties from the viewpoint of biomaterials. In particular, collagen itself is not particularly amenable to direct chemical modification without affecting its architecture or bioactivity, and collagen matrices’ mechanical properties can be challenging to adjust across a wide range of values. Numerous strategies have been used to create scaffold environments that display important collagen features while allowing for improved collagen tunability. characteristics that are biological and physical. The methods that have been used to make such engineered collagen matrices are briefly described in this paper. These methods include de novo synthesis of collagen-mimetic chains, blending of collagen with other natural or synthetic polymers, chemical modification of denatured collagen, and reductionist techniques to incorporate collagen moieties into other materials. These developments in the development of tunable, engineered collagen matrices will continue to make it possible to investigate new and challenging biological issues.
Keywords: collagen; extracellular matrix; scaffolds; tissue engineering
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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