Title: Extracellular Vesicles as a Versatile Tool in Type 1 Diabetes
Abstract: Almost 35 million people worldwide suffer from the chronic autoimmune disease known as type 1 diabetes. The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas are continually attacked by T-cells, which results in -cell death and a steady decline in insulin secretion. lowered insulin levels reduce the amount of glucose that enters cells, causing the body to become hyperglycemic. Despite significant advancements in our understanding of the pathophysiology of this condition, type 1 diabetes diagnostics and management still require novel developments. EVs, extracellular (EVs) are lipid-bound nanoparticles with a variety of cell-derived contents that can be used as biomarkers for the development of diabetes and transplant rejection. To improve cell survival and long-term results, vesicles can also be delivered alongside transplants while carrying therapeutic cargo. The development of type 1 diabetes is crucially linked to EVs and their cargos, according to numerous studies. To better understand the role of EVs in controlling and understanding type 1 diabetes, researchers should have a better understanding of EVs. EVs are made up of biologically active substances like proteins, metabolites, nucleic acids, and lipids that can be carried to specific cells and tissues by the blood system. EVs can be a versatile tool in the diagnosis and treatment of type 1 diabetes because of the variety of information they contain. Here, we give a summary of the current body of knowledge regarding EVs. Additionally, we discuss the function of EVs in pancreas and islet -cell transplantation as well as their role in the pathogenesis, detection, and treatment of type 1 diabetes.
Keywords: type 1 diabetes; T1DM; pancreas transplant; islet β-cell transplant; therapy; extracellular vesicles; EVs; exosomes; biomarkers; microRNA
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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