Title: Progressive Genomic Approaches to Examine Plant Oxidative Stress Responses to Drought and Salt in a Changing Climate
Abstract: The main environmental abiotic stresses that have a negative effect on crop development and yield are salinity and drought. Drought- and salinity-tolerant crops are essential for supporting global crop production and reducing demand from the expanding global population in order to increase yields under abiotic stress conditions. However, the main objectives of crop breeding programs are networks of genetic and ecological factors because the responses of plants to abiotic stresses are extremely complex and under their control. While traditional methods fall short in preventing productivity losses due to stress, several genomics strategies are used to increase crop productivity under abiotic stress conditions. Modern genomics research has improved crop genetics in the last ten years, particularly for traits related to abiotic stress management. In order to properly plan future breeding programs that will support sustainable crop production under salinity and drought conditions, this review provided updated and thorough knowledge regarding all potential combinations of cutting-edge genomics tools and the gene regulatory network of reactive oxygen species homeostasis.
Keywords: salt; drought; plants; ROS; genomics; approaches; integration
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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