Title: Understanding Deep-Sea Microbial Community Interaction Patterns and Potential Applications
Abstract: Environmental microbes that coexist in groups engage in difficult-to-understand complex interspecies interactions. However, the interactions form the framework for determining community structure and operation, which is essential for providing ecosystem services. Additionally, microbial interactions support particular ecological evolution and adaptation processes, which are crucial for microbial communities living in habitats with scarce resources, like the deep ocean. Recent advances in science and technology make it possible to study interactions within intricate microbial communities, like those that live in sediments and deep-sea waters. The research on microbial interactions offers suggestions for creating fresh approaches for biotechnological applications. For instance, complex organic matter like chitins and celluloses are broken down as a result of cooperative microbial interactions. These biogeochemical processes, which are influenced by microbiology, inspire innovative designs in many applied sciences. The foundation for the creation of synthetic communities and, by extension, the accomplishment of particular community functions, is an understanding of the interaction processes and mechanisms. There are a variety of uses for microbial community engineering, such as the creation of new antibiotics, biofuels, and other useful chemicals and biomaterials. It can also be transformed into biotechniques for processing waste and bioremediating environmental contaminants. In order to support future biotechnological and therapeutic applications, this review summarizes our current knowledge of microbial interaction mechanisms and cutting-edge methods for predicting interactions in deep-sea microbial communities.
Keywords: microbial interactions; microbial community; community function; correlation network analysis; deep sea
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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