Title: Speed breeding: A perspective on producing more crops in less time
Abstract: Crop breeding traditionally involves selecting desirable plants, crossing them, and requiring a lot of time and space. One of the major barriers to the advancement of plant breeding and research is the length of the seed-to-seed cycle. Speed breeding (SB), which primarily relies on photoperiod extension, temperature regulation, and early seed harvest in this situation, has the potential to speed up the rate of plant improvement. The SB protocols are being extended to short-day plants in order to shorten the generation interval time, as has been successfully demonstrated in the case of long-day plants. Because SB protocols are adaptable, they can be used for a variety of research goals, such as population development, genomic selection, phenotyping, and genomic editing. In this review, we go over the various SB methodologies and how they can be used to speed up plant improvement in the future. Even though SB has been used extensively in plant phenotyping and the pyramiding of various traits to create new crop varieties, there are some obstacles and restrictions that prevent its widespread use in a variety of crops. But by improving the SB protocols for important food crops and effectively integrating them into plant breeding pipelines, the current constraints can be overcome.
Keywords: breeding cycle; genetic gain; genomic selection; gene editing; photoperiod; single seed descent
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%
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