Title: Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Modulations Based on Light’s Spectral and Intensity Variations
Abstract: Both qualitative and quantitative changes during light exposure have a significant impact on photosynthetic efficiency. In photochemical reactions, electron transport and energy absorption are significantly influenced by the characteristics of light. Additionally, changes in the spectrum and light intensity can cause the efficiency of the photosystem II to decline. Because of these characteristics, it is necessary to study photosynthetic reactions as a function of the aforementioned variables using a straightforward and useful tool called chlorophyll a fluorescence. According to this study, it is possible to pinpoint the precise lighting conditions that enable photoautotrophic organisms to function at their best using data on chlorophyll a fluorescence.
Keywords: blue light; chlorophyll a fluorescence; FV/FM; high light; low light; photosynthesis; red light; UV-B exposure
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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