Title: The Biology of Colorectal Cancer Revealed by Neuropeptide Inhibitors: Chances and Translational Perspectives
Abstract: The central and peripheral nervous systems of humans are where neuropeptides are primarily secreted. The cognate rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) is where neuropeptides bind and carry out a variety of physiological actions. Due to their lack of selectivity for the target cell, drug resistance, and side effects, conventional cancer treatments still have many limitations in clinical practice, which drives the need for the creation of novel therapeutic agents and therapies. According to recent studies, neuropeptides have an impact on the growth, invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis of cancer cells. As a result, they may be used as a target for cutting-edge anticancer treatments. Recently, targeted strategies that block neuropeptides and the receptors that they interact with are being developed for the treatment of cancer. The focus of this review is on various neuropeptides and their potential use as drug targets by various inhibitors as a recently discovered strategy to prevent cancer, with a focus on colorectal cancer.
Keywords: neuropeptide; receptor; inhibitors; cancer; therapeutic agents; bombesin; neurotensin;vasoactive intestinal peptide; substance P
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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