Title: A Smart and Sustainable Aspect of Modern Agriculture: Nanofertilizers
Abstract: The increased demand for food worldwide has led to a widespread use of fertilizers. Common chemical fertilizers have negative effects on the soil, the environment, and even human health. They may promote plant growth and production. Therefore, one of the most promising alternatives to conventional fertilizers is the use of nanofertilizers. These synthetic materials are made of nanoparticles that contain macro- and micronutrients and deliver them in controlled amounts to the rhizosphere of plants. The necessary minerals and nutrients (such as N, P, K, Fe, and Mn) are bonded either individually or in combination with nano-dimensional adsorbents in nanofertilizers. This review discusses the development of smart, efficient agriculture based on nanotechnology, using nanofertilizers that have better nutritional management because they have a higher nutrient uptake efficiency. Along with the various kinds of fertilizers that are currently offered, the synthesis and mechanism of action of the nanofertilizers are also discussed. Furthermore, the controlled delivery and release of nutrients through the use of nanoscale active substances can contribute to sustainable agriculture. The successful advancement and secure use of nanotechnology in agriculture are stressed in this paper; however, some fundamental worries and unresolved research gaps must be addressed.
Keywords: agriculture; crop production; nanofertilizer; nano-toxicity; plant growth; sustainability; yield
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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