Title: Effects of External Representations’ Format and Specificity on Students’ Revisions of Texts Written by Fictional Others
Abstract: Higher education students frequently struggle to produce coherent explanatory papers as required. It could be advantageous to offer students outside examples as helpful criticism as they revise their explanation papers for cohesiveness. We invited participants to analyze a fictional student’s draft that had various cohesiveness problems in order to meet the objectives of this study. Participants also received information from an outside source to help them make the required modifications. Both the representations’ specificity and their format were changed. In comparison to people who had a clear conceptual knowledge of the outline representation, participants who had a clear conceptual comprehension of the external representations that were appropriately given perceived more coherence gaps and felt less cognitive load while reviewing. One of our study’s findings was this. The noting exercise was difficult for the students who depended on generic external representations, and they performed badly. The numerous exterior representations showed that there was no appreciable variance in the caliber of the corrections made by the students. In instance, concept maps may be considered a useful scaffold that students can utilize to support their evaluative processes. However, more instructional support is required, especially for beginning writers, to properly adjust expository texts for cohesiveness. This is especially true given how difficult the task is
Keywords: reviewing, formative feedback, cohesion, concept maps
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