
Research paper on Rarely Say Never: College Students’ Perceptions of Persuasive Writing and Essentialist Rhetorical Choices

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Research paper on Rarely Say Never: College Students’ Perceptions of Persuasive Writing and Essentialist Rhetorical Choices

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Title: Rarely Say Never: College Students’ Perceptions of Persuasive Writing and Essentialist Rhetorical Choices

Abstract: The study of persuasion writing has been assessed for the quality of the writing. However, the language used in persuasive writing or students’ views of writing has not been sufficiently taken into consideration. Arguments that are weaker and more one-sided are produced when essentialist terminology is used because it places more emphasis on one explanation while dismissing all others. Words like “always,” “every,” and “prove” are good examples. In the first part of this research project, college students were asked to identify qualities they considered necessary for writing and provide rhetorical examples of those qualities. The links students have established between their persuasive writing, and essentialist traits were investigated (such as one-sidedness and the inclusion of opposing opinions). The second study investigated the actual responses of students to essentialist speech. The participants worked in pairs to read two pieces of writing, one of which used essentialist language and the other of which used non-essentialist language. They then judged which piece of writing was superior, justified their conclusion, and rated how convincing each example was. According to the findings, there was a discernible gap between the elements that had a positive and negative impact on the pupils. Decisions to select essentialist samples over non-essentialist samples more frequently. Students who favored non-essentialist writing or did not have a choice judged the second instance more convincing than the first. However, students who enjoyed essentialist writing or did not have a preference evaluated both examples’ persuasiveness similarly. “These findings support the hypothesis that many undergraduate students regularly fail to change their evaluations of essentialist writing to reflect their professed knowledge of the link between essentialism and persuasiveness.”

Keywords: essentialism, dualistic language, persuasive writing, college writing.”

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Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: ELT – English Language Teaching

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

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