
Research paper on Children’s emergence stories: how do they arise, and are they legitimate compositions?

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Research paper on Children’s emergence stories: how do they arise, and are they legitimate compositions?

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Title: Children’s emergence stories: how do they arise, and are they legitimate compositions?

Abstract: This essay expands on our study into revolutionary Story-Writing-Coding engineering, where Primary School students write computer code to create animated stories. In order to develop our engine, we first explore its theoretical underpinnings, which are based on Systemic Functional Grammar, embodied cognition, and perceived animacy. With the aid of characters, objects, and the environment, children may use this design to elicit linguistic patterns that eventually result in stories. This paper’s second section presents an empirical study we conducted to address two research concerns. First, can these created compositions be considered legitimate compositions? In order to respond to this query, we analyzed the language used in coded stories as well as stories that were written in English classes. We also used instructor evaluations of these stories. According to the findings, while there are no discernible linguistic differences between coded and English stories, coded stories are lacking. Therefore, English classes should only be used as a first draft. The second question was intended to explore our finding that kids would often tell stories while coding. Here, we make use of theories of perceived animacy and embodied cognition. According to our analysis, these ideas work to explain the origin of stories on their own.

Keywords: composition, coding stories, systemic functional grammar, grounded (embodied) cognition, perceived animacy

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Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: ELT – English Language Teaching

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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