Title: Spellcheck Use in Text Production by Dyslexic College Students
Abstract: A common misunderstanding is that authors may use spellcheck to repair their spelling errors even if they do not possess the appropriate level of spelling skill. This is not the case. This presumption is confirmed by the fact that spellcheck highlights misspelled words and suggests other sentences to use in their place. However, no research has been done on how helpful the currently available tools for testing spelling are for kids who struggle with spelling, “such as those with dyslexia. Even when using spellcheck to fix spelling problems, people with dyslexia still make many spelling mistakes in their work, according to the limited and outdated study on the use of spellcheck by authors with dyslexia. This is the first study of its kind, and its purpose is to investigate whether or not the use of a modern spellcheck tool assists college students with dyslexia in producing texts that are as free from misspellings as texts produced by their classmates and whether or not the use of such a tool has any additional effects on the quality of the text. In this study, college students with dyslexia (n = 18) and peers serving as a control group (n = 18) used Microsoft Word to compose two short essays, with one of the pieces having spellcheck switched on and the other having it turned off. Both sets of essays were then compared to one another. The writings were graded on their overall quality and degree of grammatical and spelling correctness. When students from both groups wrote with spellcheck switched on, practically no misspelled words were left in their written work. When students from both groups wrote without spellcheck turned on. However, children with dyslexia had a greater number of misspelled words than students in the control group. The quality of the text did not degrade in any manner at all. The findings indicate that using a spellchecker is helpful for college students with dyslexia to overcome the limitations imposed by poor spelling skills. It is essential to point out that the findings suggest that using spellcheck is appropriate for usage in testing environments since it does not result in writing improvements beyond accurate spelling or writings of worse quality. This is why it is important to emphasize the findings.
Keywords: spellcheck, dyslexia, spelling, writing
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