Title: The Function of Discourse Knowledge in First-Grade Students’ Writing
Abstract: Discourse knowledge is essential to the writing process in several theoretical models of early writing, which may be discovered in various situations. These models support the claim that discourse knowledge is essential to writing (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987; Berninger & Winn, 2006). However, much research has not been done on the connection between the amount of writing rookie writers produce and their level of discourse competence. This is because there is not much of a correlation between the two. Concerning this topic, further study has to be carried out. The purpose of this research was to establish whether or not disparities in first graders’ discourse skills and seasonal characteristics, notably fall and spring, could be able to reliably predict their writing at the end of the school year. The spring and the fall were the times of the year that received the most of our efforts. It was suggested that 380 first graders take part in interviews between this school year’s fall and spring semesters. These interviews aimed to evaluate the children’s knowledge of the processes involved in writing creation, the substantive processes, the parts of a story, and the motivation behind the writing. The potential employee would have the option of having the interview in either English or Spanish, depending on the language they are most fluent in and feel most at ease speaking. In addition, throughout the fall semester, students’ vocabulary, reading comprehension levels, spelling abilities, and handwriting were evaluated. These examinations were conducted in the courses that corresponded to them. After the school year, the students’ work in descriptive and narrative writing was evaluated and graded according to their respective levels of achievement. According to the findings of hierarchical linear modeling, having less discourse knowledge or having more knowledge were not valid markers of writing outcomes. For this sentence to have any kind of coherence, a reference is required. For this sentence to have any kind of coherence, a reference is required. On the other hand, research has revealed a stronger connection between an individual’s writing abilities and their ability to understand spring speeches. It was demonstrated that production procedures could accurately predict writing in either of the two genres, while substantive processes and plot features could only accurately predict writing in the narrative genre. The outcomes of past studies served as the foundation for this examination, which centered on the students’ understanding of discourse and their writing abilities in elementary schools.
Keywords: Descriptive writing, discourse knowledge, first grade, narrative writing
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