Title: Building, decluttering, or daydreaming? Academic writers’ undergraduates’ metaphors for action structures and space
Abstract: This study’s objective is to reawaken our interest in pupils’ various levels of academic writing comprehension. We constructed a comprehensive and diverse collection of conceptual metaphors to investigate how students view writing. These metaphors can potentially be utilized in research, education, and intervention. We conducted this to compile a list of conceptual metaphors, assuming that metaphors reveal concealed notions of intangible entities such as substances and processes. To demonstrate a broad understanding of writing, first-year college students were urged to write brief compositions that started with a metaphor they conceived on their own. We analyzed the works of these authors in terms of the spatiality and transitivity of the mental metaphors they used. In order to do this, ideas gleaned from the field of cognitive linguistics were put to use (spatial primitives). The children’s ways of thinking were significantly different from one another. The vast majority of metaphors represent a significant and striking departure from academic writing styles established on sociocultural theory and cognitive psychology. Classifying approximately one-half of the metaphors using one of the four distinct methodologies was possible. In the research that is about to follow, the purpose is to shed light on various ways of thinking about writing; conceptual metaphors or metaphor systems may be utilized. These will be determined by the desired level of concreteness or abstractness, respectively.
Keywords: Some of the themes -that are discussed in our classes include transitivity, academic writing, metaphor analysis, and spatial primitives.”
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