Title: Lignin Valorization’s Recent Advancements and Challenges: Green Paths to Sustainable Bioproducts
Abstract: In the paper/pulp and lignocellulose biorefinery, the aromatic hetero-polymer lignin is industrially processed, serving as a significant energy source. It has been demonstrated to be a natural resource for beneficial bioproducts; however, because of its heterogeneity and complex structure, depolymerizing it and turning it into high-value chemicals is a significant challenge. On the other hand, a potential solution for creating a biomass-based biorefinery can be found in the various pre-treatment methods and valorization techniques. For the synthesis of sustainable value-added products, biocatalytic methods, various pre-treatment approaches, and new lignin isolation techniques are the main topics of the current review. Additionally, the difficulties and potential for using the challenging hetero-polymer lignin in the green synthesis of various biomolecules are discussed.
Keywords: lignin; biocatalysis; valorization; green synthesis
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Chemistry
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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