Title: The Impact of Magnetic Composite Capsule Size and Structure on Their Flow Trapping Efficiency
Abstract: The remote control of magnetically sensitive objects using an external magnetic field source is a promising method of targeted drug delivery. With the help of this technique, magnetic nanoparticles for MRI contrast and magnetic hyperthermia, as well as the magnetic separation of objects of interest from blood samples and liquid biopsy samples, can be delivered locally to the affected area to help with drug delivery. The relationship between the strength of the magnetic field and the force of viscous resistance determines the likelihood of magnetic objects being captured in the flow. Thus, the magnetic characteristics, size, and flow rate of the objects determine the capturing capacity. This process hasn’t been sufficiently investigated despite the necessity of a thorough investigation to support the idea of magnetically controlled drug delivery. Here, depending on their size, the magnetic nanoparticle payload, and the flow rate of the suspension, we investigated the effectiveness of capturing polyelectrolyte capsules by the external magnetic field source. Additionally, we predicted the probability of magnetically trapping magnetic capsule-containing cells in flow and then assessed the integrity of the cells’ membranes. These findings are necessary to demonstrate the ability to capture magnetically labeled cells in flow and the possibility of magnetically controlled delivery of the encapsulated medication to the affected area with its subsequent retention.
Keywords: targeted drug delivery; polyelectrolyte microcapsules; magnetic drug delivery; magnetic separation; flow cytometry; internalization of microcapsules; magnetic cell sorting
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Chemistry
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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