Title: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (ARB), Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs), and Emerging Contaminants (ECs) from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill: Potential Environmental and Human Health Risks
Abstract: Because municipal solid waste (MSW) contains dangerous amounts of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB), antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), and metal resistance genes, its direct disposal at landfills or open dump areas without segregation and treatment is a major concern (MGEs). The physicochemical, biological, and groundwater properties of soil that are connected to agricultural activity and human health are significantly impacted by the released leachate from landfills. There have been numerous reports of ARB, ARG, and MGE abundance in places like MSW landfills, animal husbandry, wastewater, groundwater, soil, and aerosol. The abundance and prevalence of emerging contaminants ARB, ARGs, and MRGs are explained in this review (ECs). Due to their prevalence in leachate, which poses a serious risk to the environment and public health as well as an economic burden on developing countries, ECs have recently attracted attention on a global scale. The need to create a cutting-edge eco-friendly management strategy to address these global issues is the sole focus of the current review. This review also includes an in-depth discussion of the various environmental and public health issues brought on by the production of a great deal of leachate, the prevalence of antibiotic resistance (AR), and the impacts of released leachate on various environmental reservoirs and human health. The current review also sheds light on the origin, fate, and potential effects of various ECs in landfill leachate on the groundwater, surface water, and soil in the immediate area. In order to lessen the potential effects of disposable waste, the current review strongly suggests the need for future research that advances the effectiveness of contaminant removal while also improving relevant landfill management. We advocate for the necessity of identifying and keeping an eye on any potential environmental or health risks brought on by landfill leachate contaminants.
Keywords: municipal solid waste (MSW); landfill leachate; antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB); antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs); metal resistance genes (MRGs); groundwater; bioaerosol; soil; human health
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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