Title: Toad (Anura, Bufonidae) antimicrobial secretions: bioactive extracts and isolated compounds against human pathogens
Abstract: True toad species, members of the family Bufonidae, are widely distributed and produce bioactive substances in the secretions of specialized skin macroglands. As a traditional medicine, some true toads have been used to treat infectious diseases brought on by microbial pathogens. The Bufonidae have been cited in recent publications using in silico analysis as promising sources of antimicrobial peptides. According to a review of the literature, Bufonidae skin secretion extracts exhibit inhibitory activity in vitro against human pathogens such as fungi, parasites, resistant and standard bacterial strains, as well as clinical isolates of bacteria. From species of the genera Bufo, Bufotes, Duttaphrynus, and Rhinella, antimicrobial secondary metabolites with the classes of alkaloids, bufadienolides, and peptides have been isolated. Additionally, some purified antimicrobial compounds and extracts exhibit low cytotoxicity toward mammalian cells.
Keywords: alkaloids; amphibians; antimicrobial peptides; bufadienolides; Bufonidae; crude extract; parotoid gland; skin secretion; toad
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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