Title: Acinetobacter baumannii’s multidrug resistance: Pan-Resistome Insights
Abstract: Numerous nosocomial infections are brought on by the significant Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii. This etiologic agent has developed multiple mechanisms of resistance to a variety of antimicrobials over time, as well as the capacity to survive in various environments. In this regard, our study uses phylogenetic, phylogenomic, and comparative genomics analyses to elucidate the resistome from the A. baumannii strains. To identify genes involved in resistance mechanisms, phylogenetic relationships, and strain grouping based on sequence type, in silico analysis of the complete genomes of A. baumannii strains was performed. The majority of the resistance gene repertoire was found in genomic islands, which suggested high genomic plasticity and likely allowed for the acquisition of resistance genes and the development of a strong resistome. A. baumannii demonstrated an open pan-genome and showed that their strains still underwent genetic permutation. Additionally, the resistance genes point to a particular evolutionary profile for the species. Additionally, the main resistome genes were screened and characterized in the current study. These results can be used in applied research to create novel therapeutic approaches to control this significant bacterial pathogen.
Keywords: antimicrobial; drug resistance; pan-genome; multilocus sequence typing; nosocomial in-fections
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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