Title: Health Care Facility-Based Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit for Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Feasibility Study by the World Health Organization
Abstract: Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) has become a methodical strategy to improve the use of antibiotics and lower antibiotic resistance. The World Health Organization created a draft toolkit for health care facility AMS programs in low- and middle-income countries to aid in the implementation of AMS programs. To get local opinion on the content of the toolkit and the implementation of AMS programs, feasibility studies were carried out in Bhutan, the Federated States of Micronesia, Malawi, and Nepal. Stakeholders at the national and facility levels participated in semi-structured interviews for this descriptive qualitative study. Respondents said that AMS was a top priority and that the draft toolkit was a crucial resource for advancing AMS program implementation. Strong national and facility leadership, as well as the involvement of the clinical staff, helped to implement AMS. Lack of human and financial resources, inadequate laws governing the sale of prescription antibiotics, and inadequate AMS training were all obstacles. Improved laboratory surveillance, the creation of a step-by-step implementation plan, and mechanisms for reporting and feedback were among the action items for AMS implementation. Additional instructions on specifying the committees’ duties and suggestions for how to prioritize AMS programming in light of regional circumstances were among the suggestions made to enhance the content of the AMS toolkit. The AMS toolkit was considered to be a valuable resource as nations and medical facilities move forward with the implementation of AMS programs.
Keywords: antimicrobial resistance; antimicrobial stewardship; low- and middle-income countries; barriers and enablers
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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