Title: In older people, pucna posta histiocytozy from the Langerhans cell line.
Abstract: Pneumoperitoneal histiocytosis from the Langerhans’ cell (PLCH) is a serious disease with an unknown etiology that results from mutated BRAF, NRAS, KRAS, and MAP1K1 genes in the Langerhans’ cell, which cause naciekanie and niszczenie of the pleura and/or other organs. The majority of the time, mild, non-judgmental people cry. It is distinguished by its emergence from Langerhans-derived keratinocytes, which lack the dystonic droeg oddechow structure. Computerized tomography with a high resolution plays a significant role in the diagnosis of PLCH. The typical radiologic image of the PLCH includes existing wet raziks that are embedded in the image of “pczkujing drzewa,” as well as existing jamek, cienko, and grubocienne guzki that are frequently zlewing torbielki together. Pewne rozpoznanie necessitates investigation into histologically verified characterizing changes and the presence of cells expressing CD1a or CD207 antigens. Zaprzestane palenia tytoniu is a key recommendation for people with mental health issues on the PLCH. No reliable information regarding the use of steroids is available. Therapy based on PLCH or without the use of other aids is known as PLCH therapy, and cytarabin is used in rattan therapy. Choroba exhibits generally good prognosis, and a 10-year follow-up study included over 85% of those who were affected by the disease.
Keywords: płucna postać histiocytozy z komórek Langerhansa, odma opłucnowa, kladrybina, BRAF
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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