Title: Choroba zarostowa y pucnych: patogeneza, czynniki ryzyka, cechy kliniczne, and algorytm diagnostyczny — current knowledge status
Abstract: Choroba zarostowa y pucnych (PVOD) and hemangiomatoza woniczek pucnych (PCH) belong to serious diseases; frequently, the number of cases per million residents is less than one. The PVOD/PCH pathology affects small yokes that are both pre- and post-groomed, as well as wonickes and small ttnickes. In terms of PH classification, according to ERS/ESC data from 2015, PVOD/PCH forms group 1′. However, according to data from recent analyses, PVOD/PCH may actually be more common due to the poor qualification of these patients for group 1. The issue may involve cases of what is known as tetnic nadcinianienie pucne (PAH), which manifests during the passage of twardzine and is caused by medications, HIV infection, and approximately 10% of patients with idiopathic PAH (IPAH). In PVOD/PCH in children and in 9% of cases without a family history of heart disease, two-leaf-clover mutations in the EIF2AK4 gene were recently identified. Additionally, the relationship between the workplace preference for organic rozpuszczalniki and PVOD/PCH was discovered. The next step is an attempt to summarize current data regarding pathogeneses, risk factors, clinical criteria, and the PVOD/PCH diagnostic algorithm.
Keywords: a rare form of pucnych, ryzyka, and genetically-based cancer
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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